An updated version of the program can be downloaded as a pdf here.
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Invitation and scope
International symposium on polyelectrolytes is a series of meetings organised biennially since 1995. Its aim is to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions between researchers working with charged macromolecules of both synthetic and biological origin. Being an interdisciplinary field, the research on polyelectrolytes connects chemists and physicists from both academic and industrial research.
Research in the area of polyelectrolytes contributes to the fields of physics and physical chemistry through understanding how electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions are related to the behaviour of macromolecules in solution, complexes and at solid interfaces. Counterion condensation and its impact on structure, assembly and complex formation is an important issue. Research on polyelectrolytes, by providing important physical insights relevant to surface and interface science and to materials engineering, contributes to many fields.
For information on the previous symposia, please check

Peter Košovan
Conference chair
- Bridging the theory, simulations and experiments
- Biological and bio-inspired polyelectrolytes
- Polyelectrolyte membranes, gels and networks
- Polyelectrolyte theory and modelling
- Conjugated polyelectrolytes and poly ionic liquids
- Polyelectrolyte synthesis and characterization
- Polyelectrolyte complexes and coacervates
- Polyelectrolytes at interfaces
- Acid-base equilibria in polyelectrolytes
- Self-assembling polyelectrolyte Systems
International organizing committee:
- Ray Farinato [ISP Secretary] (Columbia University, USA)
- Alexei Khokhlov (Moscow State University, Russia)
- Ulrich Scheler [ISP President] (Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany)
- Xuhong Guo (Shanghai University, China)
- Sarah Perry (Amherst, USA)
- Renko de Vries (Wageningen, NL)
Local organizing committee:
- Peter Košovan [Chair] (Charles University, Prague)
- Miroslav Štěpánek [vice-chair] (Charles University, Prague)
- Lucie Nová (Charles University, Prague)
- Martin Hrubý (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
- Mariusz Uchman (Charles University, Prague)
- Pavel Matějíček (Charles University, Prague)
- Jiří Pánek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)